
15 de fev. de 2011

Chat with the Swami

Anosha’s Interview:
We need your answer please. Campinas city need put it in our blog, and she need understand better what’s mean your work to do a better organization there.

What is shaktipat?

Super Natural Power - Natural Force or Force Divine or Divine Power. Pure energy’s life, high voltage, direct from the source.
Swami Nardanand
Shaktipat means the descend of energy from the master to the disciple. The inner energy (chetna) of the disciple gets introverted and stands as a different active energy (kriya shakti) in this process. The awakened Shakti starts to loosen the influence of impressions (samskaras) collected in the consciousness (chitta) of the disciple. When impressions are loosened the disciple starts to float in a state of everlasting bliss. He becomes free from all attachments, ego, anger, greed etc.

who can to receive shaktipat?
Anyone who is interested in the evolution of this spiritual path, for this strain that is India. People with mental health problems I do not know ...
Swami Nardanand
Anyone having a strong desire for spiritual progress can take Shaktipat. The aspirant should be having belief in Shaktipat system. He should be having strong faith in master (Guru). Cast, creed, nationality, religion etc. has nothing to do with it. Only a state of surrender to Shakti, awareness and devotion for the Master are the requirements for this initiation.

How shaktipat contributes to my growth as a human being?
The shaktipat awakens your soul by turning his strength, his divine energy, which is essentially higher.
Swami Nardanand
When Shakti starts working the disciple, he starts to become free from all types of worldly desires. Ego, greed, anger, depression etc. start to loosen up. He starts to float in a state of bliss. With advancement in sadhna (spiritual practice) the pranic energy starts to rise to higher levels in his body. The nadis in subtle body get purified. In many aspirants all type of diseases vanish out due to this cleansing. The aspirant starts to live a joyful life in physical, mental and spiritual plane.

Why to receive shaktipat?
To go straight, as a shortcut to the God in you. cleanse all your bodies for the release of sanskaras (thoughts collected or created) on the past. Shaktipat energy can cure all diseases if the person who receives it is well connected and open.
The energy transmitted by the Master of Shaktipat awake, active, your kundalini (vital energy) healing doenças .Essas many are subtle response in físico.No field is expanding and raising awareness. Understanding. feeling and acting in life more "Ananda" (enjoyment, bliss, joy, bliss, relax, abundance, etc.)
Swami Nardanand
Due to our actions in day to day life we collect the impressions (samskaras) in our consciousness. These impressions are cause of all misery. These generate attachments with people and things. These attachments make us to suffer a lot. We start feeling anger, ego depressions, passions etc. It’s very difficult, almost impossible, to remove the impressions by ourselves. When Shakti gets awakened she starts to perform kriyas (autometic actions) in physical and psychic plane. With these kriyas Shakti loosens up the impressions and removes their influence in consciousness. When influence of impressions is removed the disciple becomes free from all type of misery. At advanced level of sadhna (spiritual practice), when Shakti removes all the impressions the aspirant become pure and blissful. Finally Shakti breaks the knot of birth and death and the disciple attains Enlightment.

Why to received shaktipat in one retreat with 6 days?
To pass the time of the Master Shaktipat; The group go into meditation and go deeper into this walk yourself, meditate with the Master of shaktipat accelerates this entry time, increase the connection and helps caminhada.Ele say that we are in the same boat and that will not sink because it is her and not let it happen
Swami Nardanand
When Shakti is awakened due to the grace of the Master it starts working in all planes. During first few days the aspirant must stay close to the Master, as it takes some days for the full manifestation of kriyas. For some aspirants the Master may need to impart extra energy. Regular satsang with the Master is an essential part of the initiation. Satsang develops the understanding of the system and the philosophy behind it. During the retreat the disciple gets the opportunity to go for group meditation with the Master. The group meditation is essential to uplift the spiritual levels of the aspirants in less time. The atmosphere gets charged with pranic energy and every aspirant is advised to take it’s benefit.

What’s the difference between: shaktipat, sannyasys, deeksha ... they are the same thing?
Natural Force Shaktipat is Divine Nature Divine Strength (kundalini, life force, existing energy where there is life).
Sannyasys is the mental state of a person's consciousness is focused on God.and I put focus on God. The tradition Sannyasys is the choice that one makes in your life that says: God is my focus, I choose to focus my mind my God, I choose to live in God and in the mind (consciousness) and action.
Deeksha is an initiation where the master opens the gates of heaven for you.
There are three types of deeksha guru-mantra:
1st level - every guru can give, and this is done by giving a guru-mantra.este this first level of consciousness.
2nd level-shaktipat deeksha only trained teachers can give. Masters with this "power" can dar.Está connected with higher energy level, higher than the anterior.Poucos masters in this world to give this deeksha and Swamiji is one of the few, to our grace.
3rd level-a name that is not learned, but is given by 2 or 3 teachers only and which is still higher energy than the previous two.
Swami Nardanand
Shaktipat initiation is for the spiritual advancement of the aspirant and is beyond all types of cast, creed and religion. Anybody having strong faith in Master and Shakti can take Shaktipat initiation. It is completely different from Sanyas Deekshya. A disciple having no attachment towards the worldly life can renounce his materialistic life and become a Sanyasin. Sanyas Deekshya is given to specific disciples, whose state of consciousness have became pure and feel strongly detached from the worldly life. Whereas Shaktipat initiation can be given to anybody having a state of surrender to Shakti, awareness and devotion to the Master.

as I need to prepare to receive shaktipat?
 That's one way: studying to go opening up your understanding and promote better integration and expansion of their corpos. Another and most important is to go to quieting within, and one way is a more spontaneous meditation is the process of interest in the subject to attract the teacher and help channel the energy.
Swami Nardanand
Understanding of Shakti, reading some books like “Guide to Shaktipat”, “Divine Power” etc are helpful. In fact the there is no specific preparation the disciple has to do before receiving Shaktipat. Only a state of surrender and devotion towards the Master and Shakti is enough.

you want to add some more important information that has not asked?
I think to get good ta. If there is then added.
Swami Nardanand
Vedas say for human beings “Amritashya Putrah” (children of nectar). We have forgotten our own true nature due to the influence of impressions of actions, teachings, attachments etc. These impressions always put us in misery. Bliss is our own nature. To return to our nature we don’t need to leave anything, just we need to leave the attachment. Our spiritual practices should help us to make ourselves free from these attachments. Unlike other practices in Shaktipat system there is no doer-ship, so there is no place for ego. Due to kriyas of Shakti, all attachments vanish out; the aspirant becomes pure, calm and joyful. At advanced stage Shakti breaks the knot of death and birth and the aspirant gets Enlighted with the knowledge of the self.