20 de jan. de 2011

What is Shaktipat?

Kundalini Shaktipat
As per the literal meaning, Shaktipat means “Descend of Energy”.

Shakti descends from Master (Guru) to Disciple (Sishya). This descending energy makes the inner Shakti (Chetna) of the disciple to be introverted. While extroverted, the same Shakti collects Samskars (Prasav Kriya) and when introverted it dissolves Samskars (Prati-Prasav Kriya).
Untill all the Samskars are dissolved Shakti continue to work. Her kriyas don’t stop for a single moment. During this process she also purifies the body (Nadis in subtle body) and mind stuff. Shakti is omniscient and omnipotent. She chooses the best way for the cleansing. Her mysterious kriyas start from a gross level and becomes subtler as the cleansing becomes deeper.
The process of cleaning can be classified into four parts, each part pointing to a particular sect of Yoga. All Asan, Pranayam, Mudra fall in the sect of Hatha Yoga. The mantras chanted by the aspirant come under Mantra Yoga. Focusing the consciousness on a particular point (Chakra) comes under Laya Yoga. Finally knowing the self by dissolving the ignorance is called Raja Yoga. Due to combination of four sects of Yoga Shaktipat meditation is called Maha Yoga.  All these sects of Yoga happen to the aspirant spontaneously, without any effort, so it is called Siddha Maha Yoga (Self-Performing Yoga).
When all the Samakrs are cleared off the aspirant becomes free from ignorance. He breaks the knot of illusion. He finds the knowledge of the true-self (Atmagyan). His mind floats in ecstasy. A never ending bliss starts to drench his heart. He becomes free from the sorrow of the cycle of death and birth.
As per scriptures all other types of Sadhna like Bhakti, Karma, Gyana, Tantra etc. only aim introverting Shakti in the aspirant. But these paths are lengthy and require continuous effort from the aspirant. Whereas the same can be easily achieved by the grace of Guru (Master) through Shaktipat.
That’s why scripture says :
Mokshya Mulam Gururkripa
Grace of Guru is the only way to remove ignorance and break the cycle of death and birth.